Council Highlights - December 11, 2023
Posted on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 09:55 AM
Council Highlights
WATFORD, ON – At its regular meeting on Monday, December 11, 2023, Warwick Township Council:
- Acknowledged the ancestral lands that Warwick Township is located on.
- Held a Court of Revision meeting for the Parker Drain 2023 and Consideration Meetings for the Welsh Drian 2023 and the Huctwith Drain 2023.
- Approved the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) grant application for structural and façade improvements for 517 Gold Street (Watford Veterinary Clinic).
- Approved an amendment to the...
Township of Warwick Approved for Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians
Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 04:13 PM
Township of Warwick Approved for Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has announced that the Township of Warwick’s application to Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians (DRAO) has been approved.
The municipality applied for DRAO after declaring a state of emergency in August 2023. An extreme rainfall event, dubbed a 1 in a 100-year storm, caused significant flooding throughout the municipality and Environment Canada reported that nearly 180...
Warwick expresses support of Bill 165 and Reaffirms importance of access to natural gas in Rural ON
Posted on Tuesday, April 09, 2024 12:22 PM
Warwick Expresses Support for Bill 165 and Reaffirms Importance of Access to Natural Gas in Rural Ontario
Warwick Township reaffirms its support for Bill 165: Keeping Energy Costs Down, introduced by the Government of Ontario, aimed at ensuring affordable and accessible energy for Ontarians. While we commend the government's efforts to address energy affordability issues, we are disappointed that Warwick Township was not selected to present at the provincial hearing scheduled for April 8 and 9...

Stormwater Management Ponds: Stay Off the Ice
Posted on Friday, January 14, 2022 11:30 AM
The Township of Warwick would like to remind everyone that storm water management ponds are not safe for winter activities like ice skating, hockey, sledding, or even walking across. Storm water management ponds are designed to gather rainfall and surface water runoff, temporarily hold it, and release it slowly at a controlled rate. This provides erosion and flood control, and helps improve surface water quality. The water going into the ponds, including melting snow and ice, may contain salt and...
Public Notice - Animal Control
Posted on Monday, August 10, 2020 05:30 AM
Public Notice - Animal Control
All dogs in Warwick are required to be registered. Invoices for dog tags/registration were mailed out in June. Unpaid invoices will continue to incur interest and penalty charges and may result in the issuance of fines.
If you received an invoice for a dog tag/registration but no longer have a dog, please contact the Township Office at 519-849-3926 or by email.
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