Township of Warwick Approved for Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians
Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 04:13 PM
Township of Warwick Approved for Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has announced that the Township of Warwick’s application to Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians (DRAO) has been approved.
The municipality applied for DRAO after declaring a state of emergency in August 2023. An extreme rainfall event, dubbed a 1 in a 100-year storm, caused significant flooding throughout the municipality and Environment Canada reported that nearly 180...
Warwick Township Terminates State of Emergency Declaration
Posted on Friday, September 01, 2023 03:07 PM
WATFORD, ON – As a result of extensive flooding from an extreme rainfall event, Mayor Todd Case declared an emergency for the Township of Warwick on August 24, 2023.
Since that time, Warwick officials have been coordinating the emergency response and working to repair roadways to make them safe for travel. As of August 30, 2023, all roadways have been reopened for regular use except a portion of Zion Line between Bethesda Road and London Line. An engineering and geotechnical assessment on this...

Fall Cleanup - October 16th
Posted on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 06:15 AM
Fall Cleanup Day for Warwick Township reidents will take place Saturday, October 16 from 7AM to 11AM.
Please view the attached for the list of acceptable and unacceptable items and where they can be dropped off.
If you have any questions, feel free to call the Warwick Township office at 519-849-3926.

Libro Community Garden
Posted on Thursday, July 29, 2021 06:15 AM
Libro has partnered with local businesses to bring a Community Garden to Watford!
Thank you to Warwick Township, Caris Home Hardware, Bebingh Insurance, JEG’s Garage, Watford Auto Parts, Watford Horticultural Society, the Mike Harvey Foundation, and the Optimist Club for their support and generosity in getting this project started after a tough year.
Our initial thought was that the harvest would be donated to the local foodbank, but we recognize that some food may be ready to be picked outside...
Important Message - Canada Post Mailing Address
Posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 11:00 AM
Dear Customer,
Canada Post has a strong commitment to provide our customers with reliable and efficient mail delivery. In order to accomplish this, Canada Post relies on its delivery network and addressing system.
As per our addressing guidelines, postal box addresses should contain the following information:
The Addressee (First Line)
Postal Box Number (Middle Line)
P.O. BOX 1234
Municpality, Province, and Postal Code (Last Line)
If mailers wish to include the Civic...
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