Current Council Planning Applications |
There are no applications at this time. |
Current Committee of Adjustment Planning Applications |
There are no applications at this time. |
Other Current Applications |
There are no applications at this time. |
Official Plan |
An Official Plan sets out a municipality's general policies for future land use, and states the land use planning goals that guide development. |
Zoning |
Zoning By-Laws establish and regulate land use by implementing the general policies from the Official Plan. |
Minor Variance |
If a development proposal does not conform exactly to a Zoning By-Law but meets the general intent and purpose, and complies with the Official Plan, an application may be made for a Minor Variance. |
Consent |
All division of land in Ontario is subject to subdivision control, either through a Plan of Subdivision or Consent approval to ensure that the new lots are consistent with the planning policies set out in the Official Plan and Zoning By-Laws. |
Site Plan |
Site Plan Control By-Laws require certain types of buildings or developments to obtain, “site plan approval” prior to construction. |
Plan of Subdivision |
The County of Lambton facilitates Plans of Subdivision for the Township of Warwick. Please visit their website for more information. |
Development Charges |
On April 11, 2023, Warwick Township Council enacted a new Development Charges (DCs) By-Law. DCs are imposed to allow for the recovery of growth-related capital expenditures that occur as a result of providing municipal services to new residential and non-residential development. You may view By-law 23-2023 for the full details. Note: As per Section 10(4) of the DCA; “(4) The council shall ensure that a development charge background study is made available to the public at least 60 days prior to the passing of the development charge by-law and until the by-law expires or is repealed by posting the study on the website of the municipality or, if there is no such website, in the municipal office. 2015, c. 26, s. 5 (3).” Next Steps:
View the Warwick DC Report. |
Reports and Publications |
Contact Us
Ezio Nadalin
County Planner
County of Lambton 789 Broadway Street, Wyoming Box 3000 Ontario, N0M 2S0
T.: (519) 845-0801 x5343 (519) 849-3926
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