Township Office |
The Township Office is open to the public with one person or family permitted in the office at the same time. Face masks must be worn to enter the building.
Services related to marriage licenses, lottery licenses, commissioning, and cemetery inquiries are by appointment only.
Staff are also available by phone or e-mail to assist with all inquiries. Inquiries can be made by phone between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. by calling 226-848-3926, or by email.
Thank you for your understanding!
By-Law Services |
The Township continues to offer By-Law Enforcement services. To limit public interaction, residents are now required to file their complaints via phone or email.
To report an issue, call 226-848-3926 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or send us an email.
Building Services |
Update on COVID-19 Measures in Relation to Construction Activities
As of February 16, 2021, it is our understanding that all construction may commence provided the Regulation is amended as anticipated.
Schedule 7 of Paragraph 40 states the following:
40. Construction activities or projects and related services that support construction activities or projects, including demolition services.
Be mindful that the situation may change quickly based on further amendments, colour coding language/zones, and the possible emergency brake option.
Recognizing the risk posed by new variants to the province's pandemic response, Ontario is introducing an "emergency brake" to allow for immediate action if a public health unit region experiences rapid acceleration in COVID-19 transmission or if its health care system risks becoming overwhelmed. If this occurs, the Chief Medical Officer of Health, in consultation with the local Medical Officer of Health, may advise immediately moving a region into Grey-Lockdown to interrupt transmission.
- It is understood that specific and unique situations may arise, so please inquire regarding same.
- When in doubt, refer the query to the Building Inspector, supervisor, and/or Chief Building Official as it relates to applications, permits, and inspections.
- Further, some exceptions may apply as it relates to the process and/or inspections and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
It is your own responsibility to ascertain what you can or cannot do - govern yourselves accordingly.
If you have any questions as it relates to intake, issuance, and/or inspections,
please utilize the following number for assistance:
- Lambton County Member Municipalities: 519-845-5420.
For Township of Warwick Building Department Applications (Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, or Agricultural)
Our Department will:
- Continue to receive and process applications as per our current procedures for the respective area.
- Issue permits (this does not mean construction can commence).
Please know we are processing all complete applications within the specified timeframes and as quickly as possible.
Our Department will:
- Be conducting inspections on essential commercial, industrial, and institutional projects.
- Continue to receive and process applications as per our current procedures.
- Issue permits (this does not mean construction can commence).
Please be advised that the information provided is subject to all other restrictions and prohibitions under the law.
The information does not imply that construction can be carried out in contravention of any Act, Regulation, and/or provincial order prohibiting construction including under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA), as amended, or its Regulations, and/or the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act (ROA) or its Regulations.
It is recommended that you seek a legal opinion to determine whether the project can be constructed under the EMPCA or ROA before proceeding with construction.
Please further note that Inspections will only be carried out on construction projects deemed essential under the EMPCA or ROA, and construction projects deemed non-essential are prohibited by law.
Further, any construction carried out in contravention of the EMPCA or ROA, or their regulations, may result in a fine and/or prosecution under those Acts.
In the event of a conflict between this update and the Regulation, the Regulation shall govern.
If you have any questions, they can be directed to Corrine Nauta, Chief Building Official, at 1-866-324-6912 or by email.
Council and Committee Meetings |
Council continues to meet electronically. Public notice of electronic meetings will be provided.
All electronic meetings will be livestreamed to the Township's YouTube channel.
Meeting information and schedules will be updated on the Council & Committee Calendar.
Fire Services |
The Township of Warwick Fire and Rescue Department remains fully functional. We are taking precautionary measures to ensure that volunteer firefighters can attend emergencies.
Updates to our services include:
- Volunteer firefighters will still respond to incidents, however, you may see members wearing personal protective equipment such as gloves, masks, and protective eyewear. This is for their protection. To decrease the risk of exposure to our firefighters, we are asking all residents to ensure their smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are functioning properly to reduce the number of false alarm calls.
- Volunteer firefighters have been advised on best practices related to social distancing.
- Public Education and Prevention activities have been temporarily suspended.
- At this time, we would ask that all correspondence be done by phone or e-mail.
Garbage and Recycling |
The new curbside household waste and collection service began on June 3, 2020. The new service will be on Wednesdays, it will be weekly in Watford and Warwick Village, and bi-weekly in the rural area of the municipality.
Unless the Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA) was advised otherwise by property owners, all residential properties were provided a medium waste wheelie bin and a large recycling wheelie bin.
Please contact Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA) directly at 1-800-265-9799 if you need to change the size of your bins or with any questions about the service change.
Note: All property owners will continue to be able to access the waste and recycling drop off location at Twin Creeks Landfill whether they participate in the automated collection program or not.
Twin Creeks Landfill
Twin Creeks Environmental Center will be open on Saturdays effective Saturday, February 13, 2022. They will be returning to regular operating hours.
Libraries and Museums |
For up-to-date information about Lambton County Library's service levels and hours, visit their website.
Lottery Licenses |
At this time, services related to lottery licenses are by appointment only.
The following information was provided by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) regarding lottery license events affected by COVID-19:
Options for Charitable Lotteries During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This message is to help municipalities that license charitable lottery schemes in Ontario understand their options in light of the societal impact of COVID-19. These are truly exceptional times that are affecting all aspects of our lives. We wish to offer as much guidance and support as we can to all those who rely on the AGCO’s services.
The AGCO has received a number of inquiries from charities asking about pausing their raffle draws and events. We wanted to share with municipalities the response the AGCO is providing to charities so that you may use similar language with your licensees if you choose.
Terms and Conditions Attached to Current Lottery Licenses
Due to uncertainties related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the AGCO Registrar is providing as much flexibility as possible in the application of the Terms and Conditions attached to current lottery licenses. For example:
- For licenses where the event has not yet started, licensees may choose to not begin sales until the pandemic concerns have passed.
- For current raffle licensees that have started ticket sales, each situation will need to be considered on its own merits. You will need to consider whether it is appropriate under the circumstances to extend the sale of tickets, even though it would have the effect of reducing the odds of winning for anyone who has already purchased a ticket. You will also need to consider whether it is appropriate under these exceptional circumstances to postpone the raffle draw date altogether. Both options are available to you.
- For Break Open Ticket licensees who have started ticket sales, you may consider extending the term of ticket sales.
- For bingo licensees who are unable to conduct their events, you may consider extending the term of your event.
Although the Premier of Ontario announced a state of emergency for the province, he was also clear that this is not a lockdown of the province. Certain sectors regulated by the AGCO continue to operate and, as long as they do, we will continue supporting them and conducting our regulatory activities to make sure they continue to operate with honesty, integrity, and in the public interest.
We share everyone’s concerns about the toll the outbreak of this virus is taking on our communities and the charities, businesses, individuals, and families that are affected by it. We appreciate the difficult times we are all facing and we’re here to support you as we all continue working through these challenges together.
Police Services |
The safety of all Ontarians is the OPP's top priority. There are currently no changes to their frontline operations.
You can report less serious incidents online. For non-emergencies, call 1-888-310-1122.
In case of emergency, call 911.
The OPP encourages businesses to voluntarily comply with all short-term restrictions. Education, awareness, and compliance are preferred options but officers will apply discretion whether to launch any enforcement actions, such as:
- Offences relating to non-essential businesses that remain open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA).
- Offences relating to gatherings of more than five people in contravention of the EMCPA.
- Quarantine Act violations at the request of a screening officer or quarantine officer.
Recreation and Community Centres Reopening Plan |
On Thursday, February 17, 2022, the Province's next steps of its re-opening plan took effect. The new restrictions impact Township of Warwick operations at the Watford Arena and community halls.
Active COVID-19 Screening
Active screening of all members of the public is a mandatory requirement to implement. All rentals/participants must self-screen for COVID-19 using the provincial COVID-19 Screening Tool to ascertain whether they are cleared to enter a facility prior to entry.
Participants will be required to complete the provincial screening tool prior to entering the facility. The facility will have signage with a QR code to the website on the facility doors.
- Participants must show a screenshot of their result to the door monitor.
- If the participant does not have a smart phone or cannot access the website, the door monitor must have a printed copy of the screening questions that the participant can read and attest to upon entry.
Door Monitor
It is required that the renter post a door monitor to check Proof of Vaccination and completed active COVID-19 screening results for the duration of their rental period.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)/Masks
All members of the public are required to wear masks when entering all municipal facilities. Masks must cover the nose, mouth, and chin during the period the person is in a municipal facility.
Masks are not required when:
- Engaging in physical activity where physical distancing is possible. Examples include all participants engaged in an activity (i.e., participants in yoga, pickleball, etc.). However, auxilliary patrons (spectators, timekeepers, music players, etc.) are required to wear a mask.
- Eating or drinking.
- A child is under 2 years of age.
- A person has a medical condition that inhibits their ability to wear a mask.
Physical Distancing
In all meeting spaces and halls, all user groups/participants/spectators/patrons are encouraged to maintain a physical distance of at least 6 feet.
Food and Drink Consumption
Renters are required to limit seated persons not from the same household at one table to 10 persons or less and physically distance. No more than 10 people may be seated together at any table unless they are:
- Members of the same household;
- A member of up to one other household who lives alone; or
- A caregiver for any member of either household.
Patrons must be seated while consuming food. Bar services at community halls can be provided for when operated by a licensed provider who enforces all applicable guidelines. Interested parties are to contact the Township for more details on this service option.
As of February 17, 2022 at 12:01am, capacity limits at the Watford Arena and community halls are lifted in all non-spectator areas wherein Proof of Vaccination is required and active screening and masking policies are in effect.
Patrons not from the same household are encouraged to maintain physical distancing of 6 feet whenever possible.
- Watford Community Arena Hall: 250 people
- Watford Community Arena Ice Surface: 120 people
- Watford Community Arena Stands: 375 people
- Centennial Hall: 300 people
- Warwick Community Centre Hall: 148 people
Spectator areas continue to be limited to 50% capacity.
In spectator areas, patrons not from the same household will be required to maintain physical distancing of 6 feet and wear a mask/face covering. Tables and chairs are available at each community hall for use. Patrons not from the same household are encouraged to maintain social distancing of 6 feet whenever possible.
No patrons are permitted to dance or sing, including performing karaoke, within the rented space.
- Washrooms will be cleaned and disinfected after each rental.
- High touch point surfaces, such as door handles, will be cleaned and sanitized regularly.
- User groups/participants/spectators/patrons are responsible for ensuring all garbage is collected in trash bins.
- User groups/participants/spectators/patrons are to be respectful and ensure participants are not spitting or depositing other bodily fluids (i.e., used tissues) on any surface in the facility.
It is expected that all user groups/participants/spectators/patrons respect physical distancing of at least 6 feet when speaking with staff and to treat staff respectfully.
Compliance – Zero Tolerance
User groups/participants/spectators/patrons not complying with the Township of Warwick Facilities Reopening Plan will receive the following:
- First Incident – written warning.
- Second Incident – suspension from the facility for two weeks.
- Third Incident – expulsion from the facility for 6 months to a year.
Refunds will not be provided for user rentals that have been suspended or expelled, and the user will be responsible to pay for the rental time booked during the suspension and/or expulsion. Suspensions and expulsions may apply to the offending individual, team, and/or the entire association depending on the severity of the contravention.
The Township of Warwick reserves the right to deny access to the facility to any person for any reason.
The Township of Warwick Corporate Policies, the Parks and Recreation User Fee Policy, the Facility, Park, and Pavilion Rental Policy, and the Ice Rental Policy are in effect.
If you have any questions about:
- The Reopening Plan or COVID-19 restrictions, please contact CAO/Clerk Amanda Gubbels by email.
- Public skating opportunities, or ice and facility rentals, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department by email.
Rental Requests:
We are accepting requests for rentals. You may request a booking by:
Roads Operations |
Road operations, including road and streetlight maintenance, continues as per normal. All maintenance requests or notifications must now be done via email or by phone.
If you have an emergency related to roads, please contact the Public Works Emergency phone at 519-490-5684.
Taxes |
2022 Tax Bills will be issued in February. The first installment is due on February 28. The next installment will be due on April 29.
Payments can be made by various methods. View information on available our payment options.
Utilities |
At this time, there will be no interruption to the water and wastewater billings. As a reminder, the following locations will be billed in the next few months as planned:
- Watford - on a monthly basis (included on your Bluewater Power bill).
- Warwick Village and the rural area - next bills will be due on January 31 and April 29.
Payments can be made by various methods. View information on our available payment options.
Water and Wastewater
Water and Wastewater services will generally be provided in the normal fashion. Urgent matters including watermain breaks, sewage back-ups, etc. will continue to be handled on an as-needed basis and should be reported by phone or through our website.
If you have an emergency related to water or sewer, please call 1-888-522-0117.
To support businesses as they work to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, the AGCO has extended the Temporary Patio Provisions for 2021. If permitted to open for on-site consumption, liquor sales licensees may continue to temporarily extend or add a temporary physical extension of their licensed premises until 3:00 a.m. on January 1, 2022.
Eligible liquor sales licensees do not need to submit an application to the AGCO to extend their licensed premises for the duration of 2021, provided they meet certain requirements.
To be eligible for a temporary patio extension under the AGCO’s 2021 patio policy, you must have a valid liquor sales license, be permitted to open for on-site consumption, and must meet the criteria as set out below:
The physical extension of the premises is adjacent to:
- the premises to which the license to sell liquor applies;
- a dock to which the boat is attached and may include land adjacent to the dock; or
- the licensed premises under the “By the Glass” license;
- The municipality in which the premises is situated has indicated it does not object to an extension;
- The licensee is able to demonstrate sufficient control over the physical extension of the premises;
- There is no condition on the license prohibiting a patio;
- The capacity of any temporary extension allows for at least 1.11 square metres per person; and
- In the case of “By the Glass” licensees, the sale and service of the wine, beer, and/or spirits manufactured by the manufacturer within the physical extension of the premises is primarily aimed at promoting the manufacturer’s product and either providing an enhanced tourist experience or fulfilling an educational purpose.
In response, the Township of Warwick is offering an expedited process to allow for temporary patio spaces.
- Temporary patios must complete the Temporary Patio Registration Form and comply with guidelines provided by the Township of Warwick, Lambton Public Health, and the ACGO regarding size, occupancy, and health regulations. Temporary patios will be allowed to operate without a permit until 3:00 am on January 1, 2022 if registered with the municipality.
- No municipal permits will be required for existing businesses to operate patios on private property. However, businesses are required to register and confirm that they will comply with the guidelines. If a business is requesting to open or expand a patio into an existing private parking area, permission and additional approval must be obtained if any more than 25% of the onsite parking for the establishment is impacted.
- If a business is requesting to open or expand an existing patio on public property, permission and additional approval must be obtained.
Fees will be waived for the registration of Temporary Patios.
You are not required to call for inspections. However, the municipality may conduct audit inspections of patios to ensure compliance with the general safety requirements outlined in the Registration Form.
Owners shall provide their liquor license if requested by the Chief Building Official. The Chief Building Official is authorized to inspect all temporary patios and require adjustments to the patio in order to address compliance with these guidelines.
You are not required to request an Occupancy Permit. However, you are required to comply with the Provincial social distancing guidelines.