Dog in carThe Township of Warwick regulates dogs through registration and By-Law Enforcement services. Registering your dog(s) can play a critical role in identifying your pet should it become injured, lost, or stolen.

All dogs in the municipality must be registered and wear its own unique dog tag (now offered free of charge with no renewal required). Dog tags cannot be transferred from one dog to another.

Apply for Your Free Dog License

  • There is no charge to register your dog. You will get a permanent dog tag.
  • Dog tags are valid for the lifespan of your pet, so renewals are not required.
  • To apply for a dog tag, complete a Dog Tag Application form and submit it to the Township office by email or in person.


  • Should you move within Warwick Township, please contact our office so staff can update your dog’s address and your contact information in our system.
  • Should your dog pass away, please contact the office so staff can remove your dog from our database.

Lost Tag

  • If your dog(s) loses its dog tag, please complete and submit the online application form and indicate that your pet requires a replacement tag.
  • Replacement tags cost $10.00 each.

What if I Don’t Register My Dog?

  • Dogs in Warwick Township are required to be registered. Not registering your dog(s) will lead to fines and penalties for the animal owner.

Kennel Licensing

  • Any resident wishing to operate a dog kennel or boarding facility must obtain a Kennel License.
  • The property must be properly zoned to accommodate a kennel or boarding facility.
  • To establish a dog kennel or boarding facility, please contact the Township office to discuss the requirements.

Lost or Stray Animals

Warwick Township’s Animal Control By-Law prohibits dogs from running at large and allows for cats and dogs to be impounded if they are found to be running at large. The Township of Warwick has partnered with the Sarnia District Humane Society to provide pound keeping services for strays in our community.

If you encounter a cat or dog running at large, or wish to inquire about a lost cat or dog, please call Kelly Bedard, By-Law Enforcement Officer, at 519-331-6398. You can also reach the Township office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, at 226-848-3926.                                                                             

If you suspect your animal has been impounded, please contact the Sarnia District Humane Society at 519-344-7064. Fees assumed with impounding the animal are due by the owner before it will be released.

Animal Distress or Abuse

  • The Province of Ontario has established a toll-free number to report concerns about animal welfare. The call centre is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 1-833-9-ANIMAL (264625). 

  • The Provincial Animal Welfare Services (PAWS) Act sets regulations regarding animal cruelty. Under the PAWS Act, there are basic standards of care for all animals. The Act also sets specific standards of care for dogs that are kept outdoors.

Animal FAQs

The Township of Warwick’s Animal Control By-Law lays out a number of rules related to keeping dogs and other animals in Warwick Township. The following are a few of the common questions about the By-Law. This list does not, in any way, replace the content of the By-Law.

  1. Do I have to get a dog license (dog tag)? Yes, all dogs in Warwick Township must be registered and wear their dog tag. You have 14 days to register your new dog with our office.
  2. Do dog tags expire? No, tags are issued for the lifetime of your dog.
  3. Can I let my dog "off-leash"? No, dogs are not allowed to run at large. The only exception is at designated off-leash areas in parks.
  4. How many dogs can I have? Each dwelling unit is allowed to have no more than two (2) dogs.
  5. What about dog kennels? There are rules and regulations relating to keeping a dog kennel. Please contact the Township office for details.
  6. Can I have an exotic pet? No, please refer to our Animal Control By-Law for details.
  7. Can I keep backyard chickens or other livestock on my property? Backyard chickens are not permitted in villages, hamlets, or urban areas. Chickens and other livestock are only permitted on specific, agriculturally zoned properties. If you have any questions about your property’s zoning, please contact the Township office.

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