WATFORD, ON – As a result of extensive flooding from an extreme rainfall event, Mayor Todd Case declared an emergency for the Township of Warwick on August 24, 2023.
Since that time, Warwick officials have been coordinating the emergency response and working to repair roadways to make them safe for travel. As of August 30, 2023, all roadways have been reopened for regular use except a portion of Zion Line between Bethesda Road and London Line. An engineering and geotechnical assessment on this portion of road and bridge structure has been completed and more extensive repairs are required prior to this section of road being reopened. Warwick is working to coordinate the completion of repairs as soon as possible. However, it is anticipated that this section of road will remain closed for some time.
Mayor Todd Case emphasized the impacts of the flooding on both public and private property and outlined the municipality’s reasoning for terminating the emergency at this time,
“The impact of the August 23rd flooding was widespread. Many Warwick residents experienced basement flooding as a result of the 1 in 100-year storm and there was significant damage on municipal roadways” Mayor Case said, “After continued efforts to repair roads and make them safe, all but one section of road is reopened and we know the steps needed to repair this section. While recovery from the emergency will continue, at this time Warwick Township Council feels that ending the state of emergency is appropriate given that most roads have returned to normal use.”
Warwick Township Council will continue to work through recovery from the flooding, including seeking Provincial funding for costs associated with the damage through the Municipal Disaster Recovery Assistance (MDRA) program. Warwick is also working with the Province to receive an assessment under the Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians (DRAO) program, which may be able to provide some financial relief to residents who experienced flooding and meet the Province’s eligibility criteria. More information on the Province’s DRAO program is available.
Residents will continue to be kept informed on up-to-date information on our website and Facebook page.
For more information, please contact:
Amanda Gubbels, CAO
Township of Warwick
Phone: 226-848-3926
Todd Case, Mayor
Township of Warwick
Phone: 519-490-4533
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